Peter A. Koziol, Esq.
     Assouline & Berlowe, P.A.
     1801 N. Military Trail, Suite 160
     Boca Raton, Florida 33431
     (561) 235 - 0725


Aerospace Assignees
Aerospace Inventors
Time Lines

December 2, 2014 Patents

Click on a space invention to learn more about the patent issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

This information is part of a study by Oasis Global, Inc. of all space inventions filed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and is provided for informational purposes only. It is not an endorsement of any particular assignee, inventor or invention. Although Peter A. Koziol represents inventors and assignees of space inventions he does not represent all of the inventors and assignees listed. The prosecuting attorney agent or firm for each patent is identified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in the patent specfication, which can be viewed by clicking on the patent image or downloading the patent document. For more information regarding Mr. Koziol's background and experience, or to learn more about space inventions, please contact Mr. Koziol.

8,899,013Thrust reverser having locking/unlocking cascade vanes2014-12-02
8,899,255Turbojet nacelle having a removable air intake structure2014-12-02
8,899,512Acoustic attenuation panel for aircraft for engine nacelle2014-12-02
8,899,513Active maple seed flyer2014-12-02
8,899,514System and method for varying airship aerostatic buoyancy2014-12-02
8,899,515Folding configuration for air vehicle2014-12-02
8,899,516Coaxial contra-rotating motors for differential landing gear steering2014-12-02
8,899,517Landing gear2014-12-02
8,899,518Engine debris guard2014-12-02
8,899,519Method and system for insulating frame member2014-12-02
8,899,520Mid-wing airplane2014-12-02
8,899,521Aircraft floor of optimized compactness and housing utility members2014-12-02
8,899,522Aircraft fuselage with high strength frames2014-12-02
8,899,523Fire protection space for aircraft passengers provided with the aid of fuselage skin of fibre-metal laminates2014-12-02
8,899,524Aircraft cabin door pressure vent system2014-12-02
8,899,525Aircraft store ejector system2014-12-02
8,899,526Parachute harness container with bio-contoured load distributing vest2014-12-02
8,899,527Propellant transfer system and method for resupply of propellant to on-orbit spacecraft2014-12-02
8,899,528Blade seal2014-12-02
8,899,529Electrical power transmitting telescopic strut2014-12-02
8,899,545Apparatus for affixing an object to a rail2014-12-02
8,902,074Harness for fall protection2014-12-02
8,903,568Remote control method and terminal2014-12-02
8,903,569Method for controlling a high-lift device or a flight control surface, system and aircraft or spacecraft2014-12-02
8,903,572Aircraft landing evaluation system2014-12-02

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