Peter A. Koziol, Esq.
     Assouline & Berlowe, P.A.
     1801 N. Military Trail, Suite 160
     Boca Raton, Florida 33431
     (561) 235 - 0725


Aerospace Assignees
Aerospace Inventors
Time Lines

December 4, 2012 Patents

Click on a space invention to learn more about the patent issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

This information is part of a study by Oasis Global, Inc. of all space inventions filed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and is provided for informational purposes only. It is not an endorsement of any particular assignee, inventor or invention. Although Peter A. Koziol represents inventors and assignees of space inventions he does not represent all of the inventors and assignees listed. The prosecuting attorney agent or firm for each patent is identified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in the patent specfication, which can be viewed by clicking on the patent image or downloading the patent document. For more information regarding Mr. Koziol's background and experience, or to learn more about space inventions, please contact Mr. Koziol.

8,322,136Method for operating a turbo charger and controller2012-12-04
8,322,647High torque aerial lift (HTAL)2012-12-04
8,322,648Hovering aerial vehicle with removable rotor arm assemblies2012-12-04
8,322,649Saucer-shaped gyroscopically stabilized vertical take-off and landing aircraft2012-12-04
8,322,651Aircraft engine mount structure comprising two thrust links with transverse fitting2012-12-04
8,322,652Thrust mount arrangement for an aircraft engine2012-12-04
8,322,653Hybrid beam for a thrust reverser unit2012-12-04
8,322,654Aircraft galley units2012-12-04
8,322,655Twin-boom empennage2012-12-04
8,322,656Wing-fuselage section of an aircraft2012-12-04
8,322,657Panel with impact protection membrane2012-12-04
8,322,658Automated fire and smoke detection, isolation, and recovery2012-12-04
8,322,659Method for lightening the weight of fuel stowed onboard during an interplanetary mission2012-12-04
8,323,775Turbulence foil2012-12-04
8,324,542Command method for spinning projectiles2012-12-04
8,324,543Lightpipe for semi-active laser target designation2012-12-04
8,324,544Multi-stage fin deployment assembly2012-12-04
8,324,545Foldable and deployable panel2012-12-04

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